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4 Church Farm Mews, Church Lane, Kings Bromley, Staffs, DE13 7JZ
The main areas of carbon production in the studio
I’ve assessed the impact my products have and have found that products and artwork in particular are the second highest producer of carbon in the business at present, producing an estimated 3.95 metric tons per year. This comes predominantly for artwork production and delivery, and this is an area that needs to be addressed wherever possible. Whilst it may not be possible to change product if another equivalent product isn’t available, we already wait until we have at least five or six orders before we place the order with the printers to try and cut down on both the carbon footprint for delivery and also the amount of packaging required. We always try and use suppliers that have a good sustainability policy and that use recyclable packaging wherever possible.
The areas of concern for my products are:
1.2.1 Recycled materials – currently the studio only uses paper and cotton bags for all products and client gifts. While both suppliers have a sustainability policy in place, they do not make it clear how the bag materials are sourced or if they are fully recyclable. We are currently looking to change suppliers to more ecofriendly suppliers and aim to do this by the end of 2023. Wherever possible all packaging materials are recycled or reused if anything requires packing or posting from the studio.
1.2.2 Single use plastics – the studio tries wherever possible not to use single-use plastics. For example, we have a milkman that delivered milk in glass bottles that are returned to the milkman, thus avoiding the need for plastic milk cartons.
However, one of our biggest single-use plastics is printer cartridges. At present there are no alternatives, but we are looking into whether the cartridges can be reused as a company just 5 minutes away sells printers and toners and they are looking into it.
1.2.3 International shipping – We have already swapped suppliers for suppliers closer to home. We will continue to monitor this regularly with the hope of further reducing the distance travelled by artwork during delivery. While we can’t commit to a date for this as it will depend on suppliers, we will continue to look at this on a regular basis.
Where possible, producers that have a clear sustainability policy are the preferred source.
1.2.4 Locally sourced materials – we are looking at using a local printers for some print items and will aim to do this by the end of 2023. We will also continue to try and use locally sourced materials wherever possible, such as obtaining printer inks from a very local company. In terms of printed items, the studio has now moved to predominantly digital materials wherever possible.
In order to fully understand the impact of my business I’ve calculated the carbon used by my customers travelling. I’ve calculated this on basis of 100 customers making two round-trip journeys to the studio of an average of 40 miles in total. This produces an average carbon footprint of 1.34 tons.
1.4 Additional impact
Other areas of my business that I have also identified as being areas that can be improved are:
1.4.1 Lighting – the studio will be switching to all light bulbs to energy saving lightbulbs as soon as possible but the aim is to have everything switched by the end of 2021.
1.4.2 Business practices – the studio is switching to a paperless system where everything is provided digitally unless specifically requested by the client. This is as of now and will continue that way. We will make clients aware of our reasoning behind being paper-free and encourage them to do the same whenever possible.
1.4.3 Electrical equipment – all electrical equipment is already switched off when not in use. We have always used timers on the heaters to ensure they are only switched on when needed. We also use hot water bottles to heat props before using them, thus allowing the temperature of the studio to be dropped by a couple of degrees without affecting the comfort of the baby.
1.4.4 Business travel – from now on, we are delivering final artwork to clients and have a designated day for deliveries. We plan the route and make sure it is the most economical route covering all delivery areas. This reduces our carbon footprint due to travel but also the client’s carbon footprint too.
Following the sustainability Audit, I will be committing to the following and how we aim to do this will be addressed in the next section:
In order to achieve the aims set out above I will be committing to the following:
By being aware of all areas of the business that contribute to the business’ carbon footprint and by making small reductions in all areas
Following on from the sustainability actions above, I will be committing to the following climate positive actions by the end of 2023. The main source of these actions is through collaboration with Ecologi and the planting of trees for all clients who visit the studio and also personally as well:
4.1 Business Carbon positive offset of 80% in total
4.2 Products Carbon positive offset of 80%
4.3 Customer Carbon positive offset of 80%.
My business commitment for the end of 2023 is as follows:
4.4 Reduction of carbon by 5%, with 10% reduction by the end of 2023. This is through monitoring and changing suppliers for more sustainable options as well as swapping to renewable energy sources where possible and generally making sure that wherever possible, the studio makes small improvements to make it more eco-friendly.
4.5 Carbon Offsetting of 50%, with 80% offsetting by the end of 2024, through the collaboration with Ecologi and the planting of trees for every family who visits the studio.
4.6 Carbon positive impact of switching to renewable energy sources. Whilst being realistic, this may not result in a true ‘climate positive’ studio as it is unlikely the studio will make more energy than it requires, if it can sustain its own use through 100% renewable energy, it’s a start and is something that will be continuously monitored.
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